01 January 2007

Welcome in 2007
Some of us have got the opportunity to assist at the last sunset of 2007. Others could not because of the clouds that were in front.
Hereby you receive all some of the pictures we took of that last nightfall, the end of the last day of 2006 at Cascais bay in Portugal.

Did you realize that this yellow ball, full of energy is always there; sometimes this is hard to believe. Speaking form own experience, as usual, we pass Xmas in Belgium with our family and this year from the moment we arrived until the taking off in Brussels back home, we did not perceive any glimpse form this wonder of nature called ‘SUN’.

For sure some of you might know people who are specialist in not noticing the treasure that is hidden behind the clouds. They are just facing the clouds and do realize the opportunities that can be revealed. How do you look at a cloudy sky ?

- Another day without SUN ?
- Just another sky?
- When will the rain start falling down ?
- Check http://weather.yahoo.com/
- …

We all step in that pitfall of getting trapped in our cloudy life and I am, myself often stuck in this way of thinking. It requires responsibility and courage to act differently and to be proactive instead of being reactive. But the results you get are so different.

Let us remember the wise words of an Austrian psychiatrist called Vkor Franklin he wrote in his book: ‘Men search for Meaning’, during the 2nd WW, when he was caught and a prisoner in the death camps by Nazi Deutschland.
“Between a stimulus and a response to the stimulus, there is a space, in this space lays our choice and freedom to choose our response and in these choices lays are growth and happiness”

We have the power to choose our response in any kind of situation of circumstances and we are responsible for all the results. When you decide to feel miserable when you watch the cloudy sky, you will instantly feel miserable and depressed. When you decide to see you problems as temporary obstacles and opportunities, you will have more power and energy to defeat them.

2007 will most probably not be much different form 2006, economics recovery will be slow, and our professional, our family life will require more from us.

Decide NOW to choose your RESPONSE to any kind of situation or circumstances and take your RESPONSIBILITY for any kind of OUTCOME/RESULTS.

Message inspired by the work of Steven Covey and Vikor Franklin

Love, Work and Live with Passion,


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